Tools We Use for Pelvic Pain
We know that persistent or chronic pelvic pain conditions affect more people than we think (yes both men and women) but estimates are around 15-20% of our population.
More and more we are seeing pelvic pain become a topic of discussion as now we are more understanding of pelvic pain conditions.
Pelvic pain can have many diagnoses, but some of the ones we see most often are; vulvodynia (vestibular pain), vaginismus, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, hip/low back pain, tailbone pain and testicular pain in men. The most frustrating part about pelvic pain is that sometimes we don’t fit into a pretty little box of symptoms or diagnoses. This can lead to patients being passed around the medical system left with no answers or feeling hopeless with their diagnosis.
We’re here to tell you there’s lots that can be done. Here are some of the tools that we use in our everyday practice with clients to help them move forward in their pelvic pain journey.