Pregnancy Supports & Which One to Get!
Pregnancy can be a beautiful time for some, but for others, pain can be a major concern. We know that maintaining an active lifestyle through pregnancy can help reduce pain, but is also really important for the health of mom and baby. This can present as a difficult feat if you find activity painful and therefore naturally reduce your activity! Uh oh!
While a multidisciplinary approach to pregnancy pain is the way to go, sometimes our bodies need a little more help!
We have a few options on the market (some of which we sell at Pelvico), to help you manage your pain and we’re here to show you a few of them!
The Pregnancy Support Belt - Carried at Pelvico
This one is best used for general pregnancy pain. Have some pain in the ligaments of the uterus? Find your belly feels heavy? Have a previous diastasis recti? Have some generalize back pain? This one might be fore you.
This band provides a nice gentle hug around the low back and hips while also creating a gentle lift to the belly. Lots of Moms do the “ugh that feels so good” after putting this one on! This one is also reasonably priced (around $40).
The bad? Honestly, some moms love it for a week, hate it the next, love it again, then hate it! This comes with the territory of a growing belly!
The SIJ Belt - Carried at Pelvico
This belt is for some of the more intense and specific low back and pubic bone pain. Many moms will complain of previous SI pain or “where the dimples” are in your low back or as the body changes, pubic bone pain (yes its normal it is opening up). This can be painful with walking, turning over in bed, general movement. This belt may be the one for you if you find this is your type of pain. It is worn a little lower on the hips than the other bands. This one gives your nervous system safety blanket! It makes you feel a little more sturdy and capable of taking on the day! This one is also reasonably priced!
The bad? Sometimes it can feel a little “diggy” into the hips or it can ride up a little. Making sure you have a good fit and one that has a pregnancy expander is a must!
The V- Sling
This one is a pelvic support that helps relieve pregnancy pelvic and vaginal pressure. Feel like something might fall out of your vagina? Do you feel vaginal pressure and heaviness? Have vulvar varicosities? Feel swollen down there? This might be the one you’re looking for! It has two bands that run right under vulvar tissue to add support and compression. This one relieves the aching people feel that comes with swelling. This one is the least supportive of the above bands but the right amount of compression to the vulva. Some pair this with compression stockings!
The bad? Really only useful for compression. It doesn’t really provide enough of a snug hug to the pelvis to help with back or SI pain.
Postpartum Ab Wrap
As stated it is POSTPARTUM. Many people try and get bands that do double duty (pre and postnatal) and while you can use this one during pregnancy, it really is meant for postpartum recovery. There is no research to suggest that it will help with diastasis at this time, but it can provide a sense of support for moms who have a lot on the go. Maybe you have 3 children and they don’t understand why they can’t climb on Mama, or you have 2 dogs who need walking and you’re the sole provider, this one might be for you. If you have a C-section, adding this can be helpful for pain relief while moving around!
The bad? It won’t heal your diastasis. It is mostly only useful the first 8 weeks postpartum. You have to be careful what type of band you are getting as many on the market are too “corset-like” (a big no no) which can add pressure downward on your pelvic floor.
Things to consider before buying any of the bracing options:
Make sure it will be a good fit. Many products have measurements with them, but getting some help from a practitioner can be helpful.
You only use them during waking hours! Sitting on the couch? Take it off. Don’t sleep with them on. Take breaks.
Don’t spend too much money. Seriously. There are really expensive pregnancy supports and they are unnecessary. You can find a good quality product without breaking the bank. Furthermore, you may not like it, or it isn’t what you need and they are hard to return as they are viewed as undergarments.
Don’t be disappointed if one day they work for you and the next they don’t. Having a changing body can be confusing to a nervous system and some days we are more sensitive than others. One day you may love it, and the next you may not.
Understand it may not “fix” your problem. When it comes to these supports, the goal is that they provide your nervous system a sense of safety and allow you to move better to actually address your issues. They are meant as an adjunct to getting help and navigating your pain.
Hope this helps! If you need a support and you are local, reach out! We’d be happy to assist you in navigating your pain!